Name: Amy Anderson |
Japanese Name: Mizuno Ami |
Name Meaning: Friend of water |
Birthday: September 10th, 1978 |
Astrological Symbol: Virgo |
Blood Type: A |
Height: 5 feet 2 inches |
Hobbies: Studying, reading, computers |
Likes: Reading, playing chess |
Dislikes: Practical jokes |
Strong Points: Calculating, reasoning |
Has Trouble With: Love letters |
Characteristics: Intelligent, dependable, friendly, caring, determination, shy |
Fears: Lousing her friends |
Favorite Color: Blue, Aquamarine |
Favorite Gemstone: Sapphire |
Favorite Animal: Cat |
Favorite Subject: Mathematics |
Least Favorite Subject: None (she loves learning) |
Favorite Food: Sandwiches |
Least Favorite Food: Yellowtail tuna |
Dream: To become a doctor like her mother |
Persona: |
Transformations and attacks
Mercury Power: Amy says this to transforms into Sailor Mercury using a power stick Luna gave her. |
Mercury Bubbles Blast: Sailor Mercury surrounds everyone in a shroud of myst. |
Mercury Ice Bubbles Freeze: Sailor Mercury freezes her enemy with ice. |
Mercury Star Power: Amy transforms into Sailor Mercury with the power rod that Luna and Artemis gave her. |
Mercury Ice Storm Splash: Sailor Mercury freezes her enemy in ice. |