Name: Reeny |
Japanese Name: Chibi-Usa |
Name Meaning: Small Rabbit |
Birthday: June 30th, 2003 |
Astrological Symbol: Cancer |
Blood Type: O-
Height: 3 feet 5 inches |
Hobbies: Collecting things associated with rabbits |
Likes: ? |
Dislikes: Irresponsible people |
Strong Points: Accepting gifts |
Has Trouble With: ? |
Characteristics: Mature (for her age) |
Fears: Being lonely |
Favorite Color: Pink |
Favorite Gemstone: Diamond |
Favorite Animal: Rabbit |
Favorite Subject: Art |
Least Favorite Subject: Japanese |
Favorite Food: Pudding, pancakes |
Least Favorite Food: Carrots |
Dream: To be a real lady |
Persona: |