Name: Lita |
Japanese Name: Kino Makoto |
Name Meaning: Wisdom of the trees |
Birthday: December 5th, 1978 |
Astrological Symbol: Sagittarius |
Blood Type: O+
Height: 5 feet 6 inches |
Hobbies: Cooking, bargain hunting |
Likes: Cooking, ice skating |
Dislikes: Cheaters, bullies |
Strong Points: Cooking, Fighting |
Has Trouble With: Airplanes |
Characteristics: Determination, tough |
Fears: |
Favorite Color: Green |
Favorite Gemstone: Emerald |
Favorite Animal: |
Favorite Subject: Home Economics, History |
Least Favorite Subject: Physics |
Favorite Food: Cherry pie, meat loaf |
Least Favorite Food: None |
Dream: To own a restaurant/bakery, own a flower shop |
Persona: |
Transformations and attacks
Jupiter Power: Lita says this to transform into Sailor Jupiter using a power stick that Luna gave her. |
Jupiter Thunder Crash: Sailor Jupiter hurls lightning at her enemy she has captured using a small lighting rod that rises from her tiara. |
Jupiter Thunder Dragon: Sailor Jupiter creates lightning in the shape of a dragon which shocks the enemy. |
Jupiter Star Power: Sailor Jupiter says this to transform into Sailor Jupiter using a power stick Luna gave her. |
Jupiter Thunder Cloud Zap: Sailor Jupiter creates an oval ball of lightning and throws it at the enemy to zap them. |